Tuesday, May 25, 2010

North Coventry Awarded $530K from DCNR to Acquire Open Space

North Coventry Township was awarded $530,000 to protect 49 acres of natural area, which will allow improved trail connections across North Coventry Township, Chester County. These acquisition play vital roles in linking current trails with the Schuylkill River Trail which extends from French Creek State Park in Berks County, all the Way to Philadelphia.

  • $390,000 to acquire a 39.4 acre property at 1894 St. Peters Road that was formerly part of the Nueva Esperanza Youth Camp. This is the second acquisition that DCNR has supported for purchase of parcels previously owned by the former summer camp. These properties are being added to Coventry Woods Preserve, a North Coventry Township park that now encompasses more than 400 acres, with trails throughout and a connection to French Creek State Park. Coventry Woods is part of the Hopewell Big Woods, the most important mature forested landscape in Southeast Pennsylvania. The property is a maturing woodland situated at the headwaters of Pigeon Creek and the Rock Run tributary of French Creek.


  • $140,000 to acquire the Gambone Tract at Hanover St. and Kemp Road, which is a key link in developing the Coventry Heights Trail connecting Coventry Woods to Pottstown. This 9.6 acre parcel will facilitate the development of a larger municipal park, connecting to the Schuylkill River Trail at Pottstown and on through to French Creek State Park.

For more information on the grants and how they will be used, Click Here!


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