A company out of London is making it possible for anybody to rent out there personal car to the general public. The London based Whipcar, allows interested users to search by car type, price and location to book the perfect car in their area enrolled in the program. The program claims to take care of all of the hassle, performing driving background checks on all users and by covering each participating cars insurance in full, even providing breakdown coverage for the renter.Scroll down for a short video on how the program works.
Similar programs are currently being planned here in the United States in the cities of Boston (RelayRides) and in the state of California (Spride Share). California recently passed Bill AB 1871 which would allow for the sharing of personal vehicles 63-0. RelayRides and Spride Share are very similar in their registration process. Full vehicle and driving record background checks are done to make sure you comply with the rules and regulations of the program. You then register your vehicle if you wish to share yours, or schedule what car you want, where you need it and when through their online interface or by smartphone. Access to the car is granted with a Key Card waved at the windshield, which unlocks the vehicle, where the actual keys for driving are kept. The program covers the cost of gas and all programs pay individuals who register their car for car sharing when used, covering participating vehicles under an insurance policy for damage or theft.
Now the idea sounds great, especially for solo drivers, whose cars sit idle 90% of the day. Is this a program you could see yourself participating in? Its already working in London and seems to be slowly making its way across the pond. Please leave your thoughts and comments below and make sure to take the poll on the side bar!
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