One of GVF's founding partners, Upper Merion Township, is exploring both the environmental and economical benefits, of solar power in parts of the Township. Below is a recent article, from the Main Line Media News, with the details.
The supervisors heard a presentation Thursday from Andrew Meserve, vice president of solar sales and development for Tangent Energy Solutions, about the feasibility of locating solar panel arrays in Heuser Park and at the municipal building and township garage.
Meserve said his company, which is based in Kennett Square, would own the panels and sell the power to the township. He told the supervisors that the firm was building about $25 million worth of solar projects in Pennsylvania. Meserve said the Colonial and Bethlehem school districts were among Tangent’s clients.
According to Meserve, the three projects in Upper Merion would produce 947,814 kilowatt-hours of energy annually. In 2009, he said, the township consumed 7.3 million kilowatt-hours, at a total cost of $789,187.
The panels proposed for the roof of the municipal building could generate cumulative savings of $840,000 over 20 years, Meserve added. However, he noted that the building’s roof is scheduled to be replaced. If that work were incorporated into the installation of the solar panels, it would offset the energy cost savings projected over 20 years.
“There’s an environmental aspect to this,” Meserve added. For instance, he said the proposed projects would offset the generation of about 1.5 million pounds of carbon dioxide.
Supervisor William Jenaway asked if other municipalities were moving forward with installing solar panels. Meserve responded that the municipalities that had embraced the idea were primarily in California.
Supervisor Gregory Waks asked how soon the project could be completed. If the supervisors decide in October to move forward, Meserve said, construction could begin in January, with the work to be completed by next March.
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