GVF is proud to announce that Bike Pottstown, the area's first community bike sharing program, was featured in a white paper titled “Smart Mobility for a 21st Century America.”
The Bike Pottstown program provides bicycles free of charge for the community to use and enjoy.
The Association for Commuter Transportation (ACT) joined the Intelligent Transportation Society of America, Transportation for America and the University of Michigan Sustainable Mobility and Accessibility Research and Transformation (SMART) Initiative to introduce a white paper entitled ‘Smart Mobility for a 21st Century America,’ which showcases how existing and emerging technologies can squeeze more capacity from over-burdened highways, help commuters avoid traffic delays and improve transportation options, all while saving money and creating jobs.
To view the white paper, visit http://data.memberclicks.com/site/asct/ITS-White-Paper-100710-FINAL.pdf. Bike Pottstown is featured on page 27.
“GVF was very pleased to see a project that we took from conception to vision listed as a project that can and should be replicated throughout the United States. Bike Pottstown is a wonderful program which focuses on alternative commuting, health and wellness and improves air quality. We congratulate Preservation Pottstown for continuing to manage the program and we have enjoyed watching it continue to grow and be successful,” said Rob Henry, Executive Director of GVF.
If you would like to create a similar program for your community please contact Shayne Trimbell of GVF at 610-354-8899 or by email at strimbell@gvftma.com
For more information about the Bike Pottstown program, visit http://www.bikepottstown.com.
Throughout the past 20 years, GVF has been a driving force for a number of projects throughout the region, including:
· PA 309 reconstruction project
· More than 100,000 trips generated on GVF’s corporate and community shuttles
· Partnered to install more than 150 bus shelters in the region
· PA 73 reconstruction project
· Partnered to establish the transportation center at the King of Prussia Mall
· Continues to advocate to keep the region moving and growing
GVF is a not-for-profit organization created to advocate and promote a viable transportation network for the region’s economic vitality. To maximize awareness and develop sustainable support, we partner with public and private entities.
GVF’s mission is to achieve a desirable quality of life and a healthy, competitive economic environment by developing multi-faceted transportation strategies.
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