Although Drexel University is not in GVF's service area, below is an interesting article on one of their initiatives, which some of GVF's partners may be interested in.
Drexel University will pay to have an amount of wind power generated annually that is equal to the amount of power it consumes. Drexel said that it has agreed to purchase renewable energy certificates from Radnor, Pa.-based Community Energy.
The deal will make Drexel among the 50 largest purchasers of wind energy in the country and put it among the top five universities in terms of wind power purchased.
Drexel has been purchasing wind renewable energy certificates since 2002 and has been steadily increasing the amount it purchases. Neither it nor Community Energy said how much it will pay for the certificates. They did say the university consumes 84,268 megawatt hours.
Drexel is based in the section of West Philadelphia known as University City and has more than 19,500 full- and part-time graduate and undergraduate students.
Source: Philadelphia Business Journal
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