GVF recently submitted a letter of support to PennDOT requesting that their Bicycle Occupancy Permit (BOP) be amended.
The Bicycle Occupancy Permit is a document required by PennDOT for a municipality to stripe bicycle lanes on state owned roads. The municipality desiring bicycle lanes must then be responsible for policing, maintenance (including the removal of snow), and proper traffic signing and marking of the bikeway according to the BOP. The Bicycle Occupancy Permit is included in Chapter 16 of PennDOT’s Publication 13M (DM-2). BOP has created unintended confusion and is preventing projects across the state from installing bicycle lanes and facilities.
GVF along with PEC, PA Walks and Bikes, Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia, PPAC, Doylestown Borough are among the agencies that have signed on as supporters and are hoping to meet with PennDOT to further discuss this issue.
As one of the many alternative modes for commuting, biking enables individuals to save money by biking to work, as well as intergrating a healthier way of living. One program where GVF encourages people to bike to work is with its Bike to Work Challenge, which concluded its second season in August.
Below is a video of how transportation planners in Portland, Oregon are taking their famous bicycle boulevards to the next level - by adding more routes! GVF wants to see our region increase bicycle lanes and facilities into its projects and not have them be eliminated because of PennDOT's BOP.
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