Two weeks ago, I reported that GVF was working diligently to ensure the transit benefit parity was extended to remain at $230 per month. I'm happy to report that on December 16th, Congress completed work on an extension of the Bush/Middle class tax cuts and included, as a part of that package, is a provision extending parity between the transit/vanpool and parking portion of the transportation fringe benefit at a level of $230/month for 1-year. The transit benefit was set to be reduced to $120/month on January 1st, with this action; the transit benefit will stay at $230/month until at least the end of 2011.
“We would like to thank all of our fellow transit advocates who were able to help us convince our elected officials that this benefit is critical for those who take public transit. We were very active in helping to get the benefit changed in the first place as all we wanted was to have equality with those who pay for parking. We will continue to advocate for this important benefit as the long term goal is to make this a permanent benefit,” said Rob Henry, GVF Executive Director.
GVF, along with its partners the Association for Commuter Transportation (ACT), American Public Transportation Association (APTA), Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) and VPSI, has worked diligently to ensure this parity was extended. GVF has been working with its local delegation by submitted letters of support to the below legislators asking them to support the transit parity extension. We would like to extend our appreciation to them for their continued support.
• U.S. Senator Casey
• U.S. Senator Specter
• Congressman Gerlach
• Congresswoman Schwartz
• Congressman Sestak
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