Friday, December 10, 2010

GVF Takes an Active Role in the Transit Benefit Parity Status

GVF has been working diligently, in conjunction with the National Association for Commuter Transportation (ACT), in advocating to keep parity among the transit and parking benefit. 

Last year, the transit benefit was increased from $120/month to $230/month, the same as the commuter parking benefit.  This increase allowed hundreds of thousands of workers to use a greater share of their pretax income to pay for commuting, saving them up to $1,000 or more on taxes each year!  This increase also benefited employers through payroll tax savings providing much needed resources for both employers and families during difficult economic times.  This increase also established equity for those who choose to take transit rather than drive to worker encouraging more employees to switch to transit resulting in less congestion, lower energy use and improved air quality.

The transit benefit increase is set to be reduced back to $120/month at the end of this year unless Congress acts to make it permanent. GVF has written several letters of support to legislators encouraging them to support this parity as we feel it is a crucial benefit for our partners and their employees.  

ACT reported that on December 9th, the Senate introduced a revised and negotiated extension of tax cuts. Included in that legislation is a provision which extends parity between transit/vanpool and parking at $230/month for 1-year. The package is expected to be voted on in the Senate early next week and then in the House. There are a number of hurdles which remain, but there are far fewer hurdles today then there were last week. ACT is hopeful that by this time next week we can say that it has officially been approved.

Stay tuned for an update next week!


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