Thursday, January 27, 2011

Old Betzwood Bicycle/Pedestrian Trail Project

On Wednesday, February 16th from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., a Public Open House will be held at Education Center of Valley Forge National Historical Park to display the proposed plans for the Betzwood Pedestrian Bridge, a part of the US 422 River Crossing Complex Project. In 1995, the Betzwood Bridge, linking PA Route 23 with Trooper Road, was demolished due to its deteriorating condition. This deeply affected bicycle and pedestrian travel across the Schuylkill River at this strategic location, which linked the Schuylkill River Trail with trail networks in Valley Forge National Historical Park. Since that time, bicyclists and pedestrians have traveled over a narrow boardwalk on the US Route 422 bridge to cross the river, a daunting path that was meant as an interim solution.

The Old Betzwood Bicycle/Pedstrian Trail Project will rebuild the Betzwood Bridge as a Schuylkill River crossing exclusively for bicyclists and pedestrians, linking the regional trail systems of Montgomery County, Chester County, Valley Forge National Historical Park, and Upper Merion Township. These new connections will improve recreational opportunities, expand bicycle commuter options, improve access for visitors at Valley Forge National Historical Park, reduce auto dependency, and promote green travel patterns. While the bridge is meant primarily for bicycle and pedestrian usages, it will also be accessible for emergency vehicles up to 20 tons. The design and environmental review for the bridge is expected to continue through Summer 2011, with construction bids going out in Fall 2011. Construction of the bridge will begin in Spring 2012 and be completed by Fall 2013. While the Old Bestwwod Bicycle/Pedestrian Trail Project will serve the area's growing non-auto demands, separate projects in the US 422 River Crossing Complex that will rebuild and improve the US 422 bridge and nearby interchanges are also underway to meet future travel demands.


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