Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Jenkintown Streetscape Groundbreaking Ceremony

One of the constant themes in Jenkintown Borough's Revitalization Plan is to rejuvenate Old York Rd.

In keeping with the plan, the Borough is beginning a Streetscape Project along York Rd. The project will start north of Summit Ave. and go north of West. Ave.

A curb bump-out will be constructed on the northeast corner of York Road and Greenwood Avenue to expand the sidewalk, reduce the pedestrian crossing distance of Greenwood Avenue and reduce vehicle speeds of traffic turning into Greenwood Avenue. New curb ramps will be constructed satisfying PennDOT new standards.

The main goals of the project are to further emphasize the important downtown retail area of the Borough, to 'calm' traffic on York Road, and to enhance the accommodations of pedestrians.


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