On May 4, Harrisburg was swarmed by bikers. These bikers were not tattooed outlaws riding loud motorcycles, but rather were clicking around in their bicycle shoes, sporting helmets and reflectors. The 3rd Annual PA Walks and Bikes Summit was held to draw attention to the needs of pedestrians statewide. PA Walks an Bikes is a statewide coalition of pedestrian and bicycle advocates including bicycle industry folks, transportation professionals, and concerned private citizens.
The Summit began with a rally on the steps of the capital rotunda. Standing in front of more than thirty bicycling advocates Republican Chair of the House Transportation Committee Rick Geist declared that “bicycling in Pennsylvania is alive and well.” Representative Bill Kortz stood and said that he is a cyclist and finds it “exhilarating.” When Representative Ron Miller spoke, he had much support for his bill, HB 170, which calls for motorists to allow a four foot safe passing buffer when passing a bicycle on the road. Miller said “if we all share the roads we can get more people bicycling.”
After the rally in the rotunda, the group moved to the Keystone Building for a discussion and information session. Jeff Peel of the Leauge of American Bicyclists presented information on programs that rank states in order of bicycle friendliness. Pennsylvania is ranked 42nd of 50, which is actually worse than in 2010 when we were ranked 40th. Peel went on to speak about the bicycle friendly community, to which Philadelphia is the only eastern PA city on the list; Philly is a bronze level.
It was evident that we have quite a ways to go to make Pennsylvania a more bicycle friendly state. With this information, the attendees left to meet with state senators and representatives. GVF met with Senator Daylin Leach of the 17th Senatorial District and Representative Tim Briggs of the 149th House District. Both were supportive of bicycle and pedestrian needs, Representative Briggs voted to pass the HB 170 from the transportation committee.
At the end of the day the message of the need to make bicycling and walking viable alternatives for Pennsylvanians was brought to the capital. The work does not end with the rally, but only begins. To see PA raise its national ranking much work has to be done. It is still difficult to include bicycle and pedestrian needs in the design of new transportation projects, and funding is always a struggle. Changing the perception that bicycling is only a recreation and not transportation is the first step. Investments in bicycling networks are much more cost effective, and much more environmentally friendly.
To promote bicycling as mode of transportation, GVF is sponsoring our third annual Bike to Work Challenge. To register visit www.gvfbiketowork.com. If you want to get involved in bicycle advocacy, visit www.pawalksandbikes.org.
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